Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We are really bad at this....

Hot Stuff and I have been known for our tourism fails that have resulted in us face palming knowing just how stupid we have been. Well, as it turns out, tourism isn't the only thing Hot Stuff and I fail at.

The other day, we decided we would prepare for the cold that is to come in the very near future and take our trip to H&M. As we have been afraid of gaining all of the weight we have been doing so well to lose, we decided that walking from Spasskaya metro station to H&M would be a great idea.

This would have been a scenic journey as well as great exercise if not for one thing; we didn't exactly know in which direction we were headed. We did not end up on Nevsky Prospect, but rather found ourselves at Baltiskaya.

On the bright side, we did get over 2 miles of a walk in before finding this lovely point of reference. The negatives are obvious and, in Hot Stuff's case, rather painful. Hoping to avoid future embarrassment and pain, we took the metro from this point forward, but this directional mishap brings me to a very important point.

Whenever you go walking, WEAR THE RIGHT SHOES!!!!

The last thing anyone wants is to ruin their feet, which is always a possibility when a lot of walking is involved. So in the land where high heels are the shoe of choice from preteens to the elderly, how do the Russians do it? How do they keep their feet in good enough shape to wear heels everywhere?

They don't. I've seen a few battle wounds peeking out from the absolutely adorable shoes, and they are not pretty. Not even Natalie Portman's feet in Black Swan looked this bad. The feet that I have seen are bloody, scarred, pus filled, and, in some cases, bright yellow. If I can see this above the shoe line, I don't want to know what the rest of the foot looks like.

I am not one to talk though. Even after knowing this information, I found myself replacing shoes that will not be making the trip back home with me, and I didn't buy comfortable, sensible walking shoes. No. That would have been perfect. Instead, I bought heels. Now, I do have a test when I buy heels, especially if I know I am going to be walking in them, and I also know a few tricks to keeping my feet in better shape, but that changes nothing.

Also, shoes have an expiration date. Even the most comfortable flats will wear out eventually and still cause your feet problems. So keep your shoes in good shape and, when it's time, say goodbye. Don't make your feet angry. Because feet aren't pretty and you are forced to walk funny when they're angry.

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