Monday, October 22, 2012

If You Have a Hobby......

Today is one of my days off from culture viewing, and I am not okay with that. It isn't, however, because I want to be out and about so I can tell you more about the culture of this great city (even though I REALLY enjoy doing that). I am going through withdrawals worse than homesickness.

...and I didn't think that would be possible.

Back in the States, I have several "hobbies". These include sewing, watching movies/anime, playing video games, some light reading, and music. I am a mediocre bass player, but even though I don't devote as much time as I should to playing, some of my most fond memories with Parker (no, that is not his name) involve either me playing bass/guitar and sucking at it, or listening to him play something.

I don't get to play here. I decided without hesitation that I was not bringing my bass with me, and, even if I had, my host mother wouldn't have let me play it. I didn't really think it would be that big of a deal, but now I am missing good music (popular music in Russia = pop music passed over by Americans) and playing music more than anything.

But I'm not writing this post to cry or whine or pitch a fit about how hard things are. I'm writing this to give you fair warning on your future travels.

If you are going to be away for a long period of time, take a portable hobby with you. You may not think much of it, but when the withdrawals begin to set in, you will at least have something there to help you.

As for me, this Saturday is going to be spent at a KARAOKE BAR!! I am so insanely excited. Those Russians can just try to sing an American song better than me. lol

Seriously, though, bring a portable hobby and you won't end up like me. Going crazy and looking forward to turning karaoke into a secret competition between me and the others who dare try to sing in my native tongue. As stated: going crazy.


  1. How does Karaoke become silent???? Also, consider yourself linked ^^ just a forewarning.

  2. Sorry. I meant that I was going to secretly turn it into a competition between me and the Russians who try to sing English. As I said, I am going crazy. I will change it. Also, noticed the link. Thanks.
