Sunday, October 14, 2012

Russian Museum

After my last post, I realized that I never actually posted about the Russian Museum. Apparently my studies and outings are making me forgetful. lol

Our trip to the Russian Museum was great, and having a Student ID actually gives you something in Russia. In this case it was a discount making our trip FREE (my favourite number). The museum is rather large and certain wings were under construction during our visit. It was still a treat and we are hoping to return when they have been reopened.

After having sorted through the thousands of pictures I took there, I thought I would share a small number of them with you. They are in no particular order and only show some of the artwork you can find inside of the museum. This does not include many of the things associated with the Russian Museum, but I promise to post them later regardless of if Hot Stuff and I are able to return.

This is the ceiling.

I'm sorry for how long it took me to post these. I feel terrible about that. Hopefully part 2 will come soon.


  1. Yeah... The Russian Museum is a very beautiful place, but it is definitely not the most beautiful place I've seen thus far. I hope that more people I know will be able to go to Russia someday. A few just need to brush aside their incorrect views about the country before they can experience it for all of it's beauty.

  2. The museums ceiling really caught me off guard! Is it flat or does it curve?

  3. That they do, and I feel they aren't as appreciated as they should be.

  4. I think it's because of the views that are placed on different cultures that aren't very similar to ours. If we took the time, I think, we would see the beauty in every culture. Except for the ones that support cannibalism. That's just creepy.

  5. But I enjoy om nomming peo... I mean Cow flesh. lol jkjk Cannibalism is something that always made me shiver in disgust down in my very core.

    I do agree though, cultures can be under appreciated or not appreciated at all. I hope to bring different cultures to light some day.

  6. The only thing we can change is ourselves. Everything comes in time though.
