Friday, October 19, 2012

A Few Days and Little Productivity Later...

I am not typically someone who keeps up with blogs or journals or... well, anything really, but something here is beginning to change me. Maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, but there is definitely something going on here and that is EXTREME boredom.

There is really only so much class and attempted study I can take before my mind goes numb, and when my free time is spent watching reruns of "Top Gear" and "No Reservations" you know that there is really no hope for me. Most of this is due to the restrictions I have the unfortunate opportunity of living with. The rest is my own lack of self motivation.

I have decided to break this streak of unproductiveness and, after spending the best $3 I could have spent (minus the well deserved, world's most expensive can of Dr. Pepper), I have the means by which to put my master plan into action.

If everything goes as I would like, the next nine weeks are going to be the most culture filled weeks of my life. And my grand total of 6,895 non-duplicate pictures just from this trip will rise significantly. I have probably done this before, but allow me to explain... I have this problem of taking thousands of pictures each time I bring out the cameras. I then go through them and delete all the bad ones and all the duplicates until I have the pictures I think are worthy of having a place in my folders documenting my time here. ...and I've gone photo happy. Who knew I had that in me, because I certainly didn't.

So what is the master plan??

I'm not going to tell you.

I have this habit of planning to do something and never getting around to it. For example, I was supposed to go to the Hermitage my second week here. That still hasn't happened. I can, however, tell you this. Assuming Hot Stuff is up for it, the first part of my journey is going to be linked with what is probably the most well known street in St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospect. My goal, is to walk this entire Prospect from its beginning at the other side of the bridge I can see from my apartment (if I open the window), all the way down to the Hermitage.  Of course, more is going to be involved than just an amazing leg workout, but, as I said before, if I told you, the likelihood of this actually happening significantly drops.

Wish me luck readers. Life is going to get a lot more colorful.


  1. I guess we know what to get you for Christmas or for your birthday. What will I probably get you?? I'm not going to tell you.

  2. Yeah... that was an expensive can of Dr. Pepper. You are getting me a 24 pack, right?

  3. I'd like to see you pull that one off. lol 24 bottles of Dublin Dr. Pepper. Don't give them to me all at once, though. They'd be gone in a matter of hours and I'd be in the bathroom, hugging the toilet.

  4. I'll come up with a type of transaction. Pay me a dollar, you get a bottle, sound fair?

  5. But if I do that, then it won't be a gift. T_T

  6. How about this, we limit two free per day and if you want more you pay a dollar, deal?

  7. I can do that. But no one else can touch them!! You hear me!! I don't want anyone else taking a single Dr. Pepper away from my twelve days of Cane Sugar BLISS!!!

  8. haha, no worries. I don't know about your family, but my family doesn't really drink soda.

  9. I don't care. I don't want to find that my gift is gone, regardless of who may and may not take it! On another note, have you remembered to bring my mom any of that Shiner?
