Monday, October 1, 2012

Friends!!! ...and other random boring stuff.

Today, in Russian class, the professor asked us what we did over the weekend. When she got to Idiot, he said that he had been out clubbing with his Russian friends. Hot Stuff and I were thinking, "How could he have more Russian friends than we do?" It was then that we realized why, and it was all our fault. We set up Idiot with Creeper McCreepertons hoping to improve Idiot's Russian. Instead, we unleashed a mass of creepy onto the streets of St. Petersburg. ::face palm::

While Hot Stuff and I were leaving the Institute (hoping to avoid Idiot at all costs) we came across The Shoe Queen and after inviting her to the theater some time this month, we all spent the afternoon together. Even though she isn't Russian, we are happy we at least have made an international friend. The Shoe Queen is a really nice girl and we hope we will hang out more in the future. I also hope that we can visit that market again. I found Dr. Pepper in Russia!!! ( $3.25 a can....)

Hot Stuff and I returned to her apartment after our afternoon and, after homework, filled our time with SF. We are sad, yet thankful that our time with SF is almost over. We finally know what books we need and, as soon as the library is functional again, we will need to spend all the time we can studying. We have just under three months left here and we have finally been informed of what it is exactly that we need to study.... I do not agree with this system. I want my Russian to get better and, as the classes are pointless, we should have had material a long time ago. As well as those helping sessions, but I don't see those anywhere.

Here's to hoping things get better. ^_^

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