Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Night on the Town & One Movie Later....

Lately I have been devoting my time to school and writing in my travel journal. Honestly, I haven't really felt that motivated to blog. "What should I write about?" becomes replaced with, "I have nothing to write about and I am not blogging about doing absolutely nothing so...."

That changed last night. It was supposed to be a night out on the town. We were going to go to a karaoke bar, have some well deserved fun, and get me out of this apartment full of misery. Instead, Hot Stuff and I ended up going to a rather classy cafe and enjoyed a nice meal, talking and laughing the night away. It was then that we decided we were going to try to follow proper etiquette for the remainder of our time here. ...well, meal etiquette anyway.

Today, we actually did what we planned (not that it hasn't happened in the past), and went to a movie. Let me explain something about "foreign" movies for those who don't already have this experience. Some languages are just impossible to dub over so subtitles are a must. Russian is not one of them. We didn't know this. We were debating about how the movie would be translated, and found out with the first trailer. 007: Koordinatiy Skaifoll (in English: Skyfall). If it wasn't for the fact that I already told Parker I wasn't going to see it without him (plus, it wouldn't be fair as it was released yesterday in Russia), I wouldn't go see it solely based off the fact that I wouldn't be able to hear any of the British awesomeness that comes with any Bond film. Alex Cross was interesting in Russian though...

Another good thing about Russian theaters... well, the one we went to, is that you have an option between salted and sweet popcorn. We decided on sweet and received caramel corn. My taste buds are so happy right now... Plus, for less than $10 Hot Stuff and I were able to get a jumbo sized popcorn and 2 drinks. That just doesn't happen in America.

As today was a coffee, bubble tea, popcorn and a movie kind of day, we disregarded the whole etiquette thing. That will have to start on another day. Be prepared for a post on the catastrophe that is to follow. I know I am.