Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's so Nice to Actually SEE Autumn

Where I am from in the good ole US of A, four seasons don't necessarily exist. There is definitely winter in some form, and most definitely summer, but spring and autumn get, at most, a week. But in Mother Russia all seasons exist in distinct forms. (The most distinct of these is winter, but we will get there in a future post.)

Yesterday, Hot Stuff, Shoe Queen, two others and I took the train to Pavlovskiy Park. It was a magical place, this park, and so rich with yellows, greens, and tints of red and orange.

The leaves were falling off the trees making a walk through this park almost like walking through a light snow. I felt like I had ventured into wonderland for a moment, and while the British girls were commenting on how they hadn't seen certain things since being in England, I thought about commenting on how certain scenery was rare or non-existent in Oklahoma. While it was magnificent in it's beauty, we did manage to have some fun and practice our "Russian poses". For the sake of keeping my companions identities a secret, I will not be posting them. But I can still show you what I mean in the form of something else...

Regardless of how much fun we had with these pictures, I was just happy to finally be able to enjoy a season I don't really get to see. If we had thought ahead (and if it wasn't so cold) we could have brought a lunch to enjoy in this park. Oh, well. I know Hot Stuff and I would like to go back. There was a museum there we opted not to go into, and people know how I am with museums. (For those of you who don't know, I took over 3,000 pictures at the Russian Museum, and we didn't even get to see it all, or see the other entrance and park.) That will have to wait a while though. Hot Stuff and I have another park we have already set our eyes on.

I hope we are able to go more places soon before the snows come. Regardless, you will finally be able to see the beauty of the Russian winter. ...or, at least, I've been told it's beautiful.

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