Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Greetings from Russia

Finally, after a long flight, a delayed arrival and at least an hour spent waiting in line to get my passport checked, I have made it to St. Petersburg. Irina, my host mother for the first 10 days is really... cute. If you saw her and spent time around her you would understand. I am looking forward to having her as a host mother. She seems to be very sweet. A cute personalitied, vegetarian Russian, who doesn't drink or smoke. For me, this is a good thing.

We're going to Nevsky tomorrow. I actually get to start eating breakfast on a regular basis. I don't quite know how I feel about that as I don't normally eat breakfast, but I'm paying for it so might as well. I think the biggest problem is going to be waking up in the morning. It's only 3:15 in OKC, but midnight here. Needless to say, I'm not tired. Got to get used to the time change though.

With that, goodnight. I'll tell you all about my adventures when there is more to say and more time to say it in.


  1. hope this works this time. last time I tried didn't go so well with the fake word input.

  2. worked!! silly me I totally overlooked the number in the box
