Friday, August 31, 2012


I leave Monday morning and I couldn't feel any farther from ready. There are still so many things I need to do before I can leave, but it doesn't feel like there is enough time left. My Russian sucks right now and no matter how much I study I do not feel prepared. I have no idea what to bring as a suitable gift to those who will host me. I'm hoping my monetary supply doesn't run out before I can come home. I'm hoping my boyfriend and family will make it through this without collapsing. In short.... I am freaking out.

I am to understand that this is normal. I'm going to a different country, preparing to use another language, learn another culture, etc. With this I am about to venture WAY out of my comfort zone. Will it be an experience? Yes. Worth it? Yes. An adventure? I hope so.

As I said earlier there is much to be done before I leave. Wish me luck.

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