Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Can't Seem to Get Away from Accountants

I forgot to mention this in my last post, but Irina is an accountant. Last night she and I actually had a discussion about the tax system in Russia. If you don't want to have to file a tax return every year, move to Russia. They get withholding taken out of their paychecks and the companies take out tax money for government benefits workers will never receive, but that's it. The only people who have to file a return are business owners but all that means is that they have to turn in quarterly reports to the government. The thing I found most interesting though, is that an accountant in Russia only needs a degree. They don't have to be certified at all. You will never find a CPA in Russia unless the person is a tourist. lol

This past week hasn't been very eventful. I enrolled in my classes, got settled into the apartment and have spent the rest of the time studying. I really want to do well this semester. My classes are going to be really hard. I am taking a lot of political classes and cultural classes that would be hard for me even in English. That is why I have been so focused on studying vocabulary. I have been going through all of my Business Russian vocabulary in hopes of surviving my classes.

This week I will start my classes. I will have to drop two or three at the end of the week, but the woman in charge of the international student program here recommends this. She said that it is easier to drop classes than it is to add them. I will get my schedule on Tuesday, when I have my first Russian class. I am scared and excited.

My Russian is so horrible. Well, I should say that my Russian vocabulary is horrible. Irina said that my grammar is actually really good, which surprises me because I don't think I remember the case endings that well. Irina is teaching me vocabulary every day. Today I learned body parts using the cat, Prince Charles. I also learned how to say "gently" and to "pet". She taught me two other words that have nothing to do with a cat. Wallet and drums. She is going to teach me how to say drum kit tomorrow. She tried to teach me today, but we decided it was a good word for tomorrow. lol

Today Irina and I are going to do a bit of shopping. I am looking forward to spending time with her. She said that this week she is going to take Colby and I to the Hermitage. I am really excited. I haven't been able to do anything touristy this whole trip. It will be nice to be able to see something before they close the museums for the winter.

Next week I should have pictures to post. If it doesn't rain much that is. Until next Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear about Hermitage. I'm sure you'll do great this semester!!
