Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gee Willikers, Batman!

Before I talk about what has happened in the past day or two, I thought I would share a tidbit brought up originally by author, Hot Stuff. (This is my travel companion, and no. I will not explain why she is going to be referred to as Hot Stuff from this point forward.) She took a moment to look at what countries are looking at her blog. Her mind was blown to see European countries looking at it. I don't know if she noticed this, but the more views a person gets from a different country, the darker the color is. Thanks to a certain someone, the US is forest green. (You know who you are!!!) This leaves Russia and the few other random countries very light green.

Anyway... To the update.

I have been wasting my time away these past few days. I know that it wouldn't seem that way since Hot Stuff and I have been walking around, exploring, and tourist failing throughout this entire trip, but we have a weakness that is destroying us both. This weakness will be labeled SF. SF, which is in no way related to San Francisco, has cost us valuable time, effort, and even a bit of money. All things that could have been spent correcting our attempts at tourism.

We finally pulled it together yesterday and were able to revisit the Peterhof Palace to correct our mistake from the previous trip. It was magical....

Rainbow Included

In all seriousness though, if you ever make it to Russia, take the time to go. The fountains there are so beautiful. Several of the pictures we took yesterday would have been ruined by plastering one of us (ok, so only me) in them.

Ok... So this photo is not necessarily one of them, but I still have to go through the 500+ pictures taken from yesterday. And the videos. ...and get rid of all the accidental butt pictures.

This doesn't even remotely show the actual number of tourists present.

This, however, is a glimpse of what beauty you can see when you walk to the back of the grounds!!! This is probably the most iconic part of the Peterhof Palace and we completely missed it the first time....

Minus the fact that I forgot my Student ID and had to pay full price, this was our second tourist adventure that didn't go wrong!!! The first being the ever so beautiful Russian Museum, which we must return to because we only were able to see half of it during the hours we spent there.

Now that Hot Stuff and I have regained what it is like to be a tourist, we plan on going to as many places as we can and actually seeing stuff!!! If someone will remind me in the comment section below, I will make a photo dump post of the Museum, the park we went to, and post more from Peterhof. Until then...

I am off to the theater. Well... in a few hours.


  1. Some of those butt photos, I must unfailing point out, were on purpose...

  2. I am loving all of your blogs... however, I am so jealous! You have done a fantastic job at capturing the beauty... so in the future when I get to travel there (this could be 20+ years) I am going to buy you a plane ticket as well, and you are going to be my personal tour guide!

  3. I wish you could be here!! We will definitely have to come back in the future. ^_^
