Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane

Ever since the weekend, life has just been go go go. My traveling/tourist companion and I have been trying to get in as many touristy things as we can and soak up all the culture that goes with it. This past weekend was epic fail on the tourisy side, but win on the beautiful side.

On Saturday, we went to Peterhof Palace because the fountains there are only matched by two other places, one of them being Versailles. We failed to see 2/3 of the fountains. Only realizing this by the time it was too late to go back. On the bright side, though, we did get to see Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Peterhof.
It was quite magical. We are determined to return to see the remaining fountains as well as the inside of the Cathedral now that we have a free day and head covering.

The next day we were told there would be a recreation of the Napoleonic Wars. It was going to be fantastic with people dressed up in period clothing with period weapons and I was going to die a little inside. (For those of you who know me, I have a soft spot for anything Napoleon. ...and for period clothing.) We were told to go to this big, beautiful park after getting off at Krestovsky Ostrov. So we did. And we went to a big, beautiful park. But there were no people in period clothing and no Napoleonic War. So we went looking for it. We found a carnival, a German brewery, the most pitiful petting zoo, creepy men sunbathing, amazing scenery and statues, but no war. After two hours of walking in this park, we should have found something.

The next day for me, upon returning home for my companion, we discovered we had gone to the wrong park. The war was happening in the big, beautiful park next to the big, beautiful park we went to. Still got some spectacular photos though, which I will upload as soon as I am done putting the shots together.

Well, as exhausted as I am, and as much as I would like to go back to merging photos, I need to head to class. There is no time wasted in St. Petersburg. If you aren't doing something outside the house, you best be eating, sleeping, or getting ready.


  1. I like how you don't mention your "traveling companions" name lol. I'm glad you are having a good time. Missing you dearly.

  2. I miss you too!! I don't mention her name because she wants to remain anonymous. I really wish you were here to see all of this with me. It's something I really wish I could share.

  3. I must say little girl that I am so impressed with your writing skills! We had dinner with your parents and gm and we all agreed. I think I also agree with them that the course work is the least important aspect since you are more concerned with vocabulary at this point. So maybe take some fun things and learn the language. ly, ygm
