Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Long Time No Post

It's been... I don't even want to know how long since I last posted. Why? The answer is rather simple. Life has gotten in the way.

I don't normally keep things up like this, but I wanted to keep my family updated. Normally, I just do whatever and don't really care, but whenever your grandmother emails you asking if you are still alive... well, it's time to get out from behind whatever it may be and post a blog entry.

If you haven't figured it out by now, I am, in fact, alive and well. My brain feels like it's going to either explode or shrivel up and die, but I am physically doing alright.

Let's see... what has happened since my last update.... hmmm...

Since I have no idea what I posted about last (and am far too lazy to just save this post and go look), I will just tell you about it all.

In the past few weeks, Hot Stuff and I have managed to see several museums (I highly recommend the Museum of Communications), the rest of Yelagin Island (the island with the park we should have gone to the first time) and the palace and museums there, practically the entire Peter and Paul Fortress, and a great deal of other things.

Since I am being lazy, I am going to share Mappy-Map 2.0 with you. Yes, this is the name Hot Stuff and I have given to this particular map. The other maps we have suck. If it is bold (i.e. circled in black pen), we have seen it. We have also seen many other things not visible to you, either because the map doesn't have it marked, the location has been outside of the city center (Peterhof, Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad, etc.), because I haven't managed to mark them yet, or because of the glare (I'm sorry, but you can't expect to take the best pictures of a map).

I know these aren't the best pictures, but I tried to give you some overlap in order to give you a general idea of where things are located. I know you can't read the map anyway, but #2 has the Fortress at the bottom; #3 has (from left to right) the statue from Catherine the Great to Peter the Great, St. Isaac's cathedral, the Hermitage, the Kazan Cathedral, and the Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood/Church of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; and the last one has the Alexander Nevsky monastery.

Since my last post, I have also managed to see a parade of people dancing in circles and chanting on their way to the Russian Museum and, almost immediately after, find one of the sketchiest streets in St. Petersburg. If you ever plan on going, just ask me which places to avoid.

The video was much better....
I'm sorry that this post wasn't very educational or thought provoking, but my term papers are eating away whatever brain power I have left.

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