Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Little More Culture. A Little Less Caring About Blogging.

I finally have pictures of things and, while I am rather happy about this, I have lost all motivation to go through them or even post them here. I honestly get home for the day and don't want to touch my computer. I, however, have an obligation to my family to keep them informed and assure them that I am perfectly safe, so I am going to post something, turn off my computer, and do something I believe to be a bit more productive.

My companion and I have recently been marking more and more off of our maps. I have a feeling the majority of it will have a rather thick outline by the time I return home. Yesterday, we managed to go to the Museum of Music and Mikailovskiy Castle, as well as see some pretty fascinating things.

The Museum of Music was rather interesting. It was small, but its collection of instruments was breathtaking from the collection of pianos to the harpsichord to the Stradivarius hanging proudly. It actually gave me the desire to play a classical instrument, and, if even for a moment, classical music didn't seem as painful to listen to.

The castle was also rather interesting. I, however, would not have called this a castle. When one thinks of a castle, one does not think of what I went into, but rather something more like the castles in Scotland, Ireland, England, France etc. This was almost as though a palace had been built around a square. Don't get me wrong, despite size, the castle was rather stunning on the inside, with pictures of the Tsars and their wives and with detail put into ever square inch of the place, but I just wasn't very impressed. If you compare this castle to, say, the Winter Palace, you would think the palace was far more magnificent.

Speaking of the Winter Palace, Hot Stuff and I finished the Hermitage on Saturday.

It was a really beautiful and really big place. As it is a rainy day, I am not motivated enough to post many pictures  to show you just how gorgeous and just how vast the Hermitage's collections are. Instead, I will just leave you with the one statue (a personal favourite of mine), and let you figure out what it is.

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