Saturday, December 8, 2012

Now that I only have one week left...

So, thanks to my wonderful family, I am heading home next Saturday. I miss the US so much. The other day, Hot Stuff and I were going through a list of things we were looking forward to most. Today, I added "the celebratory smashing of this stupid Russian cell phone" to the list. The little red block of a phone that only allows calls, texts, and radio has caused me more grief over the last few months than I would have liked. But I didn't decide to actually post something just to rejoice in the fact that I'm leaving it behind.

Winter is definitely here. It started snowing earlier this week and hasn't let up since. Luckily the temperature has managed to stay in the low 20's, but I am so sick of snow right now. Don't get me wrong, the snow is pretty to look at, but when you have to walk in it... yeah...

I was going to take pictures, but, by the time I go outside, feet and cars have managed to turn the snow into a brown sludge, and the parts that are still white are hard to photograph without getting something ugly in it. Hopefully, I will be able to get out early enough sometime this week. It's too pretty not to share. Just hoping my great state manages to not have snow come in before I get there. Otherwise, I will be sad. T_T

As I'm leaving in a week, I'm going to inform you of the things everyone needs to know if they ever plan on coming here. Some advise, said or not, that will help with your future travels. I will post something every day.

Rule #1

Plan out what you want to see and go early. The Hermitage experiences so much traffic that there is a line outside. If you go early, the chances of your entry depending on how many people leave are significantly dropped. Other places are just so vast, you want to go early in order to see as much as possible. Also, by planning where you want to go, you can research the dates and times they are open so that you don't manage to go when it's closed....

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